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Hypnotherapy sessions that rewire your brain to stop procrastination and kick-start your productivity.

Procrastination's etymological root is the Latin verb procrastinare, which means to postpone until later. The word "procrastination" comes from the Greek word "akrasia," which means acting against our sense of right and wrong. So, how can you stop procrastination?

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Hypnotherapy sessions that rewire your brain to stop procrastination and kick-start your productivity.

Procrastination's etymological root is the Latin verb procrastinare, which means to postpone until later. The word "procrastination" comes from the Greek word "akrasia," which means acting against our sense of right and wrong. So, how can you stop procrastination?

Hypnotherapy London

Procrastination: What is it?

Procrastination is a means of dealing with difficult feelings and negative moods brought on by some jobs, including boredom, worry, insecurity, irritation, resentment, and more. It is not a special weakness in your personality or a mystifying curse on your capacity to manage time. Dr. Tim Pychyl, a psychology professor at Carleton University in Ottawa and a member of the Procrastination Research Group, asserted that procrastination is an emotional regulation issue rather than a time management one.

What are the signs of procrastination?

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Signs you are procrastinating.

  • Waiting till the very last minute to begin before deadlines.
  • Completing chores that you had planned to undertake days earlier.
  • Putting off accomplishing things needlessly, despite their importance.
  • Putting off doing something you don't enjoy doing.
  • You make a promise to yourself that you'll accomplish something, but you end up putting it off.
Procrastination Signs Graphic

Is procrastination related to fear?

Managing Emotions

We must understand that procrastination is fundamentally about emotions, not productivity. The solution does not entail installing a time management app or adopting new self-control skills. It is related to finding new ways to control our emotions. By learning to control emotions we can control and conquer procrastination.

Reward VS Avoidance

We have to find a better reward than avoidance — one that can relieve our challenging feelings in the present moment without causing harm to our future selves. The difficulty with breaking the addiction to procrastination is rewarding the completed action. Hypnotherapy can help re-wire how we think about rewards vs avoidance.

Long Term Costs

Chronic procrastination has measurable detrimental effects on our mental and physical health over time, including chronic stress, general psychological distress, low life satisfaction, symptoms of anxiety and depression, poor health behaviors, chronic illness, chronic pain, hypertension, and even cardiovascular disease.

Can hypnosis help with procrastination?

Yes! Hypnosis is a highly effective solution for procrastination.

Poor thinking is the root of procrastination. We haven't developed a supporting, focused, or self-assured mentality that motivates us to get going and finish what we start. Negative thoughts confuse our thinking, leading us to procrastinate and divert our attention from the task at hand.

Through hypnosis, we have direct communication with the subconscious mind's deepest levels. In hypnosis, we turn off the important part of the mind by relaxing and concentrating intensely. To put it another way, hypnosis enables us to give the subconscious fresh information, get rid of the limiting beliefs that are keeping us back, and teach the mind the tools it needs to sharpen its concentration.

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Procrastination & Perfection

In our work and personal life, we all aspire to perform a good job. But occasionally, we irrationally raise the bar for success to the point where it is unreachable. And that effectively eliminates all motivation to begin or complete a task. Once more, the unconscious begins to sway our behavior, persuading us to stop and slow down. Similar to that fear of failure, we decide not to do something unless it is absolutely perfect, which causes us to give up.

Procrastination & Self Criticalness

When we’re overly critical, or when we lack compassion for ourselves, we become stressed and frustrated. Our mind tells us we’re not making progress, or that it’s too hard, and next thing you know, you’re putting off tasks. This occurs in the subconscious; our minds get stuck in negative thinking loops, and we tell ourselves over and over again that we’re good enough. We need to be more forgiving of ourselves so that we can be okay with failure.

Procrastination & Irrational Fear

Lack of confidence is a fear that keeps us from starting, an unjustified concern. You have no faith in yourself. You don't believe you possess the skills. Motivation can be significantly impacted by a lack of confidence. We'd prefer not to begin when we're prone to believe that we're not skilled or competent enough. Building bulletproof levels of confidence is something that Hypnotherapy does effectively. Book your free 15-minute call today.

Can hypnosis cure procrastination?

Hypnotherapy is an effective solution to help you build a new mental state that allows you to control procrastination. The work you put in to develop new skills in how you approach your daily life will ultimately place the ability to cure procrastination in your hands. Hypnotherapy is effective across a wide variety of issues that many people struggle with including helping stop smoking, stress, and anxiety management, nail-biting and low self-esteem.

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The perfect start on your journey toward healing. A 1 on 1 session to help you identify what is causing your problems to take root and prevent you from reaching the highest levels of confidence regardless of your goals and aspirations.

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Powerful Results

My signature Hypnotherapy treatment plan that consists of 7 powerful sessions that take you from the discovery phase and onto your path of confidence so that you face your problems head on and conquer them. For individuals looking for results.

5 Powerful Sessions

2 Confidence Igniter Sessions

1 Goal Tracking Call Each Week

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A premium level of Hypnotherapy that is built around a complete lifestyle change. We work toward a meticulous level of goal driven tasks that you help you achieve  results that change your life in powerful ways. Step up your life and into a brand new you.

12 Custom Sessions

12 Custom Confidence Sessions


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Hypnotherapy London FAQs

Got a question? We’re here to help.

  • Is hypnosis effective in treating procrastination?

    Therapeutic hypnosis is safe and effective and is a scientifically proven therapy for improving your health and well-being. It has shown a large number of positive results relating to treating procrastination triggers and habits.

  • Does hypnosis work long term for procrastination?

    Yes! The skills taught within your hypnotherapy sessions help you tap into your subconscious and rewire the habits that trigger procrastination. These skills will be used throughout your life.

  • Can hypnosis be reversed?

    There is no need to reverse hypnosis because you will not be in a constant state of hypnosis. You are always aware of your surroundings and where you are. Hypnotherapy is not to be confused with "stage" hypnosis where you are not in control of what you are doing. 

  • How are your hypnotherapy sessions conducted?

    Sessions can be conducted both online and in person. Hypnotherapy Pro is based in London.

  • How much does hypnotherapy cost?

    Sessions with me cost 150 pounds sterling but i do apply discounts when booking more than 5 sessions.

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